????? Easter ?????

Vocabulary:  Easter basket, Easter eggs, catkins, Easter bunny, chicks, Easter bun, cake, lamb,

Songs and poems

How many eggs in the Easter basket?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

What colour are the eggs in the Easter basket?

Look at eggs the Easter basket.

One is pink, one is purple, one is green, one is yellow

One is pink and green and purple

Eggs in the Easter basket.


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Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.


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Two long ears

Four strong legs

Hop, hop, hop

Bring us eggs

Easter bunny, Easter bunny

Hop, hop, hop

Easter bunny, Easter bunny

Please, don’t stop.

*   *   *

Five Easter bunnies on Easter day, one finds an egg and runs away.

Four Easter bunnies on Easter day, one finds an egg and runs away.

Three Easter bunnies on Easter day, one finds an egg and runs away.

Two Easter bunnies on Easter day, one finds an egg and runs away.

One Easter bunny on Easter day says „Come back bunnies, come and play”.

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10 yellow chickens sitting on the wall and if 1 yellow chicken should accidentally fall

there’d be 9 yellow chickens  sitting on the wall.

9 yellow chickens sitting on the wall and if 1 yellow chicken should accidentally fall

there’d be 8 yellow chickens sitting on the wall.

8 yellow chickens…


More songs:






Craft ideas – Easter


H A P P Y   E A S T E R

